Homeland Realty Idaho Blog

New Home Buyer Incentives from Freddie Mac

Taking a queue from it’s industry counterpart, Freddie Mac is now offering a special summer sales promotion for home buyers who purchase their home from it’s inventory of foreclosures or Homesteps properties.

Banks typically sell foreclosure homes as they are without any incentives or warranties; by adding a little extra something for buyers Freddie Mac is hoping to encourage potential owners to view these Homepath properties less as “distressed properties” and more like a traditional home sale.

Freddie Mac is providing these special deals for offers received by July 31, that close by September 30th:

$1,200 bonus to buyers agents
3.5% in closing costs for buyers

These incentives are in addition to the Two Year Homeprotect Home Warranty and the savings of up to 30% savings on new appliances which are already being offered.

There are certain eligibility requirements such as the home must be a single-family, owner occupied, financed dwelling used solely for residential purposes. With Boise home prices still amazingly low and interest rates in prime shape these extra incentives provide an even better reason to find the home you’ve been dreaming of! Visit our Boise Real Estate website to find homes in Boise and throughout the Treasure Valley!